vineri, 29 ianuarie 2010

sobre la vida...

lucrurile tre' facute pe rand,
nu toate o data,

elefantul il mananci bucatica cu bucatica...

you have to do one thing at the time.
only today i really understood the meaning.

only today i realized that doing things right means doing one thing head to toe...
otherwise nothing would get right.

nu te mariti cu jobu...oricat de bine ar fi, oricat de...orice, la un moment dat e doar o slujba, si mereu vei sti ca e altceva out there better...

sa iti pese de altii mai mult decat de tine, e o greseala, una care te poate costa "tu"
restul e fairy tale.

but still there are so many....many things and people, that you gather along the years like most precious treasures, and keep them close to your soul, cause you know just how hard it is to find them all...

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